BYO over the next few months


Sorry, it’s another coronavirus-based announcement

But don’t worry, it’s not forever - we’re only postponing what we’re doing until it’s safe to reschedule.


We all know the deal at this point. Even if you’re avoiding the news, your email inbox will probably be full of arts organisations changing their plans.

It will come as no surprise then, that we’re postponing all of our training and performances that were due to take place next month in Peckham. This includes our singing workshops as well as performances of Opera Walks into a Bar. If you’ve already bought tickets then we’ll be in touch soon and you’ll get a full refund.

Auditions and interviews for our summer training programme which were due to take place in the next few weeks will now take place online - if you’ve already applied then you’ll get an email about this.

Public performances aside, getting singers, artistic staff and workshop leaders all in one place is going to get more and more difficult and probably risky. Unlike a lot of organisations out there, we’re really lucky to be in a situation where we can move all these events without too much difficulty, so we’re taking the opportunity to do just that. In a few months hopefully we’ll be in a position where we can reschedule and everyone will be able to benefit properly from our training programmes.

So watch this space, and keep washing those hands.



Barber of Seville Orange Quarantini


Opera Walks into a Bar