Barber of Seville Orange Quarantini



It’s not all doom and gloom, there are some good things to come out of all this. Nature is taking back Venice. Community spirit is a thing again. And it’s now acceptable to drink every night of the week.

We’re joking, obviously, always drink responsibly. But here’s a tasty cocktail idea to get you through Friday night, the weekend, and next week. We’re calling it the Barber of Seville Orange Quarantini, so it’s both coronavirus and opera themed. See what we did there?


  • handful of cardamom pods

  • couple of spoonfuls of marmalade

  • cointreau

  • vodka

  • ice

  • squeeze of lemon juice


  • bash some cardamom pods

  • warm (don’t boil) marmalade, vodka and bashed cardamom pods in a pan

  • turn off the heat, leave to infuse for 20 mins, then strain

  • add cointreau (1 part cointreau to 4 parts vodka) and lemon juice and chill

  • serve in a martini glass with ice, extra marmalade on the bottom and a cardamom pod floating on top




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BYO over the next few months