Our season society


This year we are operating a Season Society, where supporters are given the opportunity to 'adopt' a singer from our summer programme production of The Rape of Lucretia.

Sponsorship is £1000 - we'll put your name next to your singer of choice, and you'll get the chance to see rehearsals in action and meet your 'adopted' singer. Your support will enable your chosen artist to participate in the programme without paying a fee, keeping it financially accessible, and will help with funding their mentorship and a bursary to cover living costs. 

All of our singers are available to ‘adopt’ – check them out over at lucretia.info.

We’d love you to join our Season Society – email development@byo.org.uk and introduce yourself to sign up.

The culmination of our summer programmes, 4 performances of The Rape of Lucretia, takes place in the Thames Tunnel at The Brunel Museum, Rotherhithe on 12–15 August. Tickets are in short supply, so buy them now!


The Rape of Lucretia


Meet our Serena Fenwick programme singers