Introducing BYO hub


Today marks the start of a new dawn at British Youth Opera – we’re launching new tools and programmes that young people building careers in opera need

First up is BYO hub, a digital portal which will offer online learning, exclusive career events and easy applications to BYO’s face-to-face programmes (applications for which are now open). The next generation of singers, directors, designers, stage managers and music staff grew up online and so that’s where we are too.

We’re also launching our new creative programmes. We spoke to a wide network of early career directors, designers and conductors about what they needed from BYO and the response was unanimous – they needed to direct, design and conduct. So next year, participants on our creator strands will actually direct, design and conduct our summer showcase production. These are the kind of hands-on opportunities that BYO has never offered young creatives before. 



New faces


Say hello to our 2023 Serena Fenwick Programme singers