Big reveal number two – our 2022 singers programme


A few weeks ago we revealed the professional creatives who will mentor our participants and bring this summer’s Sir John in Love to life. Now it’s time to reveal who won a place on our 2022 singers’ programme and will make up our cast at Opera Holland Park this summer.

Below are our 2022 singers’ programme participants and their roles in Sir John in Love. And don’t forget tickets are on sale now – hit the button below to book.

our 2022 singers programme participants

Kristina Alice Ammattil, Chorus
Clara Barbier Serrano, Anne Page (25 & 27 August)
Jacob Bettinelli, Ford (24 & 26 August)
Twm Tegid Brunton, Sir John Falstaff (cover)
Conrad Chatterton, Sir John Falstaff (25 & 27 August)
Phillip Costovski, Bardolph
Connor Dalton, Nym (cover) and chorus
Ross Fettes, Ford (cover)
Sonny Fielding, Slender (cover)
Eoin Foran, Sir Hugh Evans (cover)
Eva Gheorghiu, Mistress Page (24 & 26 August)
Toki Hamano, Nym
Lizzie Hardman, Mistress Page (cover) and chorus
Sam Harris, Fenton (25 & 27 August)
Jonathan Hill, Rugby (cover) and chorus
Henrik Enger Holm, Simple (cover) and chorus
Nancy Holt, Mistress Quickly
Jack Holton, Page (24 & 26 August)
Joe Hookway, Doctor Caius
Justin Jacobs, Doctor Caius (cover) and chorus
Hamish James, Simple
Adam Jarman, Host of the Garter Inn  (cover) and chorus

Emyr Jones, Sir Hugh Evans
Edward Kim, Rugby
William Kyle, Page (25 & 27 August)
Thomas Lidgley, Shallow (cover) and chorus
Aina Magnell, Chorus
Katie McDonal, Mistress Ford (cover) and chorus
James Micklethwaite, Slender
Rebecca Milford, Anne Page (cover) and chorus
Alexandria Moon, Mistress Ford (24 & 26 August)
Johannes Moore, Sir John Falstaff (24 & 26 August)
Dominic Morgan, Bardolph (cover) and chorus
Conall  O'Neil, Ford (25 & 27 August)
Eleanor Oldfield, Mistress Quickly (cover) and chorus
Patrick Owston, The Host of the Garter Inn
Samantha Quillish, Mistress Page (25 & 27 August)
Armand Rabot, Pistol
Rachel Roper, Mistress Ford (25 & 27 August)
Joshua Saunders, Shallow
Steven Van Der Linden, Fenton (24 & 26 August)
Abbie Ward, Chorus
Maryam Wocial, Chorus
Grace Wyatt, Anne Page (24 & 26 August)



Sir John in what? – our 'get to know the show' day


the big reveal – our 2022 creative team