Launching the Serena Fenwick Programme



It give us an enormous amount of pleasure to be able to announce a brand new addition to the BYO line-up of training programmes. The Serena Fenwick Programme is a 6 month programme for singers who meet two very simple criteria:

  • They took part in BYO training during the previous year

  • They’re not enrolled in a full-time singing or music course

It takes place over 6 weekends spread over 6 months. Each weekend the participants are joined by an industry professional who’s an expert in their field - directors, movement directors, language coaches and others. 

Why have we decided to this? That’s easy - we want to be able to carry on supporting BYO alumni beyond the relatively short time they spend with us. We also know that committing to long and expensive higher education courses is not easy for everyone, especially if you’ve already completed one or more undergraduate or postgraduate degrees. The Serena Fenwick Programme is a more flexible form of training, because participants can work or take on other commitments at the same time.

With universities, colleges and conservatoires being really affected by the coronavirus pandemic this couldn’t come at a better time, but actually we’ve been planning it since 2019. In fact we started a pilot version of the scheme last October.

You might also be interested to know that the Serena Fenwick Programme:

  • Is free - completely and utterly free from start to finish 

  • Has mentors - each participant is assigned someone already established in the opera world to help them establish their own professional network

  •  Is about more than just singing - it teaches people in how to be professional singers in a challenging industry. Weekend sessions might include sharing tips about managing ‘portfolio careers’, talking to funders, or how to pack a bag for being on the road.

2020-2021 Serena Fenwick Programme participants:

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Interested in supporting a participant?

We’re looking for 13 individuals to ‘adopt’ individual participants.

By adopting an artist you’ll be directly supporting their place on the Programme and giving them access to training that could make all the difference when it comes to building a career. You’ll be able to build a personal relationship with your singer. And, when you’re watching them make their Royal Opera debut in a fews years, you’ll be able to say that you helped make it happen. 

If you’re interested, email Anna Patalong ( Anna will be able to let you know who is still available, and explain more about the process.



Serena Fenwick Programme Mentors


Recording a good audition video