A heads up about singer applications



We’re not ready to announce what our 2021 training programmes will look like yet, but we wanted to give you a heads up about our application process and give you enough time to prepare for it. For the first time in BYO history we’ll be holding first round auditions virtually, so you’ll need to submit some video recordings along with your application.

Applications will only be open for a limited time, so we’d recommend that you prepare now to submit when they are open. You’ll then be considered for all our training programmes, including productions, workshops and masterclasses.

What to prepare for your audition

First round auditions for our 2021 training programme will take place virtually and you’ll need to provide recent (no older than 12 months) video recordings of three contrasting opera arias along with your application. One aria should be in English (this can be a translation) and arias from Handel oratorios are acceptable.


How and when to apply

Applications will open in a couple of months time - sign up here to be notified (if you’ve already got an email about 2021 applications then you’re signed up already). They’ll then close on 5 January 2021, and if you miss that deadline then you won’t be considered. You’ll need to apply via our application platform, YAPTracker and pay a very small admin fee.


Who can apply

We know that there’s no one single route into singing and our application process is designed to reflect that. Our programmes help to bridge the gap between training and the professional world, so we’re looking for those who stand a genuine chance of building an operatic career and will benefit most from the training. If you can demonstrate that to us then we’ll consider your application.


However, there are a few boxes that you must tick:

  • You need a connection to the UK – that could be that you’re a British national, you’re resident here, you were educated here or you’re a student here (including if you’ve got a confirmed place or you recently graduated).

  • You need to be 18 or older. There’s no upper age limit to taking part, but you should be at the start of your career.

  • You’ll need to confirm that your singing teacher supports your application.


If you don’t meet those conditions then unfortunately you’re not eligible to apply. 



Recording a good audition video


Goodbye, Lionel