We are updating our friends scheme



Our friends play a huge role in supporting young people who want to pursue a career in opera. After a lot of thought, we felt that due to the madness of the current world, and the fact that our scheme had hit 25 years old, it could do with an upgrade. 

With our new friends and patrons levels, we have ensured that no matter what we're doing that year, you’ll always get the most out of your membership and get the full benefits you are entitled to. Covid-19 forced us to change almost all of our upcoming plans, but our new membership levels and benefits mean that you’ll be fully immersed in the wonderful world of British Youth Opera, whatever our programme. 

The government’s Gift Aid rules have also changed, and our new levels mean we’re able to make better use of it. We’re also trying to move as many members as possible to direct debits, all of which means we can spend more of our time and your support making sure our participants get the training they need. 

If you’re already a friend, you don’t need to do anything - you’ll start receiving the benefits from the closest membership level to your existing one straight away. Then when your membership is up for renewal we’ll be in touch with some more options for continuing your support, including the option to move over to direct debit. 



Catch us at the FA Cup final


BYO by request